If you charge others for your professional advice or services, you could be in the firing line if a customer is dissatisfied with the service they have received. Professional Indemnity Insurance (PI Insurance) provides cover for the legal costs and expenses associated with defending a claim made against you, so if your professional conduct is called into question, you’ll have the support you need.

PI Insurance can cover claims of professional negligence, loss of documents, loss of data, defamation, libel, loss of goods, loss of money, breach of copyright and more, by providing cover for legal expenses and any compensation that is deemed payable.

Some professions required you to have PI Insurance in place before you can practice but even if it is not a requirement, PI cover could prove an invaluable asset and offer you vital protection when you need it most.

To discuss a Professional Indemnity Insurance policy that’s tailored to your needs, get in touch with the team at Affinity Brokers Ltd today.